If an attacker turns on wifi but doesn't have the security key to connect to an access point in range, can he still sniff packets that travel between the access point and clients connected to the access point, and thus get the Mac addresses of the clients? If the access point is a public wifi and there is no security key but there is Mac filtering, does that make a difference?
Sniffer Wifi For Mac
A WiFi sniffer software is aimed to help you analyze network problems, detect possible network intrusions. Such an app can monitor and analyze network utilization (including internal and external clients).
WiFi Scanner is good for wireless site surveys, wifi analysis, wireless discovery, WiFi networks connection. The app shows the BSSID/MAC addresses of access points and displays signal strength in dBm.
iStumbler wifi analyzer app for Mac will display networks according to their types, i.e. Bluetooth, Bonjour or AirPort. Thanks to a friendly interface it is easy to see the open networks and secured ones, signal strength of each available network, and the stability of a selected network.
WiFi Explorer detects 802.11a/b/g/n/ac/ax wireless networks, works with 2.4 and 5GHz channel bands, and 20, 40, 80 and 160 MHz channels. This wifi analyzer tool can keep an eye on network signal strength consistently and provide you with metrics and network details that can be exported to a CSV file.
Step 1: Since the sniffing device, client device and AP are useng RF generating radios for transmission or reception, it helps to have your wireless sniffer close to your target device (the client machine). This allows your sniffing device to capture a good approximation of what your client device hears over the air.
Step 2: Use a separate device to act as your wireless sniffer. You cannot take a good wireless sniffer trace if it is running on the device under test (the client machine you want to get a wireless trace of).
Step 3: Understand exactly what 802.11 Channel and Band your client device uses before setting up your capture. Lock your sniffer to the channel of interest - do not use the sniffer's "scan channels" mode! (With "scan channels", the sniffer cycles from channel to channel every second or so. This is useful for a site survey or to find "rogues", but not when you attempt to capture an 802.11 problem.)
Also, bear in mind that your client device can roam to another AP which is on a different RF channel or Band, so you need to plan accordingly. Typically in the 802.11b/g (2.4GHz) environment, a three channel sniffer can be required. This involves the use of 3 Wireless adapters on your sniffing device, with each one set to channels 1, 6 and 11. USB wireless adapters work best for this type of setup.
Step 5: If you can reproduce the problem when a client roams from one channel to another, then a 2-channel sniff should suffice. If you only have a single channel sniffer available, then have it sniff the roamed-to channel.
Step 6: Always NTP sync your sniffers. The packet capture needs to be collated with debug captures, and with other wired and/or wireless captures. To have your timestamps even one second off makes the collation much more difficult.
Step 7: If you are capturing for a long period of time (hours), then configure your sniffer to cut a new capture file every 30MB or so. In order not to fill up your hard drive, you want to put an upper limit on the number of files written.
Wireless sniffing on the Mac works well, as Mac OS X has built in tools to capture a wireless trace. However, it depends on what versions of OS X you are running, as the commands can vary. This document covers OS X 10.6 through the latest version. Wi-Fi diagnostics is the preferred method in the latest macbooks. It is always good to remember that your macbook sniffer needs to be at least as capable as the client you are sniffing (sniffing an 802.11ac smartphone with an 802.11n macbook is not optimal).
The airport utility is not a sniffer program; however, it can provide information about the wireless LAN. Also, it has the ability to set the default wireless channel which is crucial for sniffer programs (tcpdump, Wireshark) that are themselves unable to set the channel.
Keep that window open and navigate to the menu bar on top of the screen. Click Window. You see a list of various tools (useful for site survey or signal analysis). In the scope of wireless sniffer capture, you are interested in the Sniffer option, click it.
A single wired sniffer can collect packets from multiple APs, so this method is very useful to run multi-channel traces. For static scenarios, if it is possible to move the sniffer AP, this can be used as an effective alternative to other sniffing options.
This filter is optional, but strongly recommended as it excludes all the non-wireless related traffic from the capture. Consider that the WLC sends traffic to a UDP port and there is no application listening on the sniffer side; this results in a ICMP port-unreachable response for each packet received from the WLC.
When you use OmniPeek as the receiver of the traffic stream from the WLC/AP in sniffer mode, it is first of all necessary to create a Cisco Remote Adapter under the Adapter menu of the Capture Options window:
Note: By default OmniPeek remote adapter picks up the timestamp sent by the AP itself. This info has nothing to do with the AP clock, so the resulting timestamp will be incorrect. If you use a single sniffer AP, the timestamps will be wrong but at least consistent. This is no longer true if you use multiple APs as sniffers (as every AP sends its own timestamp info, causing weird time jumps on the merged capture).
1. Enter the dot11radio interface on which you wish to perform the capture. Set the station-role to sniffer, add the server/PC IP that will run Wireshark and collect the captures, and select the channel. The port you specify with the monitor frames command will be the destination UDP port to which the AP sends the captures.
Different wireless sniffers can use different metadata header formats to encode the wireless physical layer. Do be aware that the accuracy of the information is dependent upon the specific adapter hardware and driver in use. Some values, such as noise, are generally be taken into account.
The wireshark tool in itself does not help you get through the troubleshoot process unless you have good knowledge and understand the protocol, the topology of the network and which data points to consider to take sniffer traces. This is true whether it is for a wired or for a wireless network where we capture the packets over the air before they are put on the network. The stripping of the wireless mac address is done by the by the AP.
When you inspect a traffic or data on a wired network that uses wired sniffer trace and can not find our interesting packets, you need to know where it misses. Your suspicion can get you to verify if it even made it through the first point of the source of origination which being wireless, works fine or not (being missed over the air). If it did not make it correctly over the air, then it obviously is not there, or cannot get translated, or sent over to the wired side by the AP to the DS or distribution system. It then becomes critical for you to identify and localize the wireless network issue using wireless sniffer trace.
When it comes to troubleshoot network related issues, there are many dependencies, and all work in layered model and each layer of data depends on its lower layer under it. There are many components or network elements and configuration and proper operation of the devices that help us achieve a smooth running network. When a working network stops functioning, a logical approach is required to localize the issue. Once identified, the exact point of failure is difficult to find. In those situations, sniffer comes to our aid. This troubleshooting process can become complicated despite your best approach and even when you have a good knowledge of troubleshooting skills. The problem is that if you capture the packets that travel through a network device, you can have huge files and can even end up at 1G if you capture long enough with lot packets details in it. With the such a large amount of data, it can be very time consuming to pin point the problem and gets to be a very difficult task. Filtering comes to your rescue tand can help you to spot the problems quickly and eliminate the unwanted traffic, and cut down on the variables to focus on at one time. This helps in quickly finding whether the interesting traffic is present or absent from the traffic collected.
Click Capture Interfaces options and choose the Network adapter from drop down menu whichis used to capture running packets in the network on the PC. Click the Capture Filters and enter the filter name and filter string or directly input the filter string you know in the box. Then hit button. Now the wire shark sniffer program captures packets which are of interest to you only among the huge flow of real time packets of all types of protocols .
When you try to analyze or troubleshoot a wireless LAN network that uses 802.11 packet analyzer requires you to have a thorough understanding of different 802.11 frame types as a basis to find pointers to localize the causes of the problem area in a wlan network . Take wlan sniffer traces that use tools like omnipeek and / or wireshark where you can monitor the communications between radio network interface cards (NICs) and access points. You need to comprehend each frame type occurring in the operation of a wireless LAN and solves network problems. In a wlan RF environment the radio transmission conditions can change so dynamically, coordination becomes a large issue in WLANs. Management and control packets are dedicated to these coordination functions. 2ff7e9595c