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This blog post is about a set of files that can be downloaded from the Internet. The zip file contains two programs: AutoCAD 2015 and Covadis 2015. Install both of them for a better experience. These programs come with a variety of features for different tasks, including 3D modeling and designing. You can use them to create anything from sketches to engineering drawings, which you can save onto your computer or circulate it on-line to share with other people in the field. AutoCAD 2015 is the latest version of AutoCAD that you can download from the internet, and it is a program that you can use to draw anything through a series of commands and procedures. Covadis 2015 is a powerful extension for AutoCAD. It turns AutoCAD into a powerful GIS application, where you will be able to create maps, edit them and convert them to PDF files or SVG files. Although these programs are pretty simple once you get used to them, there are many features inside each program that can be useful for technicians and engineers working in the field of geographic information systems (GIS). In order to use these programs effectively you have to read their manuals or tutorials carefully. The following are the features you can use in AutoCAD 2015 and Covadis 2015 to create your own 3D GIS. The file includes the AutoCAD 2015 and Covadis 2015 programs for Windows operating system. You can find AutoCAD 2010, 2012, 2013 and 2014 on the internet for free. Their home page is ( ). You will also find it on other sites like The version of these programs that you can download is not necessarily the latest version available at the publisher's site (Autodesk). You can find out if your computer is compatible with the latest version of these programs by clicking the link on the website where you got the program. The features of AutoCAD 2015 and Covadis 2015 include: There are also 3D programs that students and technicians can use to create 3D models that will help them understand and explain concepts regarding geographic information systems (GIS). These programs include: 1. Interactive GIS for programming exams using AutoCAD 2. GIS for Engineers using AutoCAD(Geo-Sal) A free online tutorial manuals you can download to learn AutoCAD 2015 and Covadis 2015 is www.. The following are the tutorials on using AutoCAD 2015 and the Covadis 2015 on a Windows operating system: There are also some "How-to" manuals you can find on the internet or purchase from a bookstore about Geographical Information Systems (GIS). They will tell you how to use GIS software such as Autocad to create maps and 3D models about your geographical area. For more information see eccc085e13